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Summer Term Heats Up For Colchester Juniors & Our Featured Photos

Finley teaches Buster how to play chess


Colchester Junior Chess has been turning up the temperature with their great accomplishments to start this summer term, both inside and outside the club. We are very excited and proud of our members, who continue to push themselves to improve in their games. Check out what we're learning.

In the club....

Beginners: Tactics - checkmate, destruction, fork, double attack, discovered check, double check.

Inter/Adv: mixed end games puzzles and annotation of the games played by Mae (Southend) and Grace (GM Stefanova)


Beginners have been looking at 'loose pieces' puzzles. What is a loose piece and how to defend it.

Inter/Adv has been looking at some of the greatest puzzles and discussing tactical positions from famous games.

Enjoy the photos from the club...

Photos by Melinda Wilde


Mae crushes it at Megafinals (Photo by Ella Catabay)

Mae Catabay had a stunning result at the Delancey UK Chess Challenge. Mae won all her games and was the champion in her division. She is the first in the club to get through the Megafinals. Well done Mae!!!

The Delancey UK Chess Challenge is one of the largest junior chess tournaments in the world! The first round was played in our club, but if you want your junior to move on to the next round, you must sign up for one of the many locations for the Megafinals. Here is more information on the tournament and locations for the Megafinals. We hope to report more about your juniors progress through the Megafinals...


Congratulations Colchester Juniors Deimantas, Alex, Jason, Vince, Joseph, & Grace who represented Essex and came 4th in the EPSCA U9s Finals in Oxford

Some of our Colchester Juniors playing for Essex have contributed to the success in both the Under 9s, Under 11s and Under 11 Girls County Finals. We are very proud of them! I will be putting together a special blog with more photos soon.


A huge congratulations to Ruqqayah Rida, who played for England in the recent European Schools and World Cadets & Youth Championships for Rapid and Blitz in Rhodes, Greece.

You can find the chess results for Ruqqayah and for the English Juniors here. Wow, Ruqqayah!


Congratulations to our girls Rosie Ross and Emilija Kurpeikiene, who played in the SPTW/Brentwood tournament. Fantastic results from our Colchester Juniors can be found here.

We are so proud of you both!


We must also mention the opportunity that Ruqqayah Rida and Grace Wilde had to play in London in a simultaneous game against the 2004-2006 Women's World Champion, GM Antoaneta Stefanova. The game was played for nearly 5 hours, resulting in one draw, with Antoaneta winning the rest of the games. Both of the girls learned a lot from the experience of playing the Grandmaster! Well done!


Finally, we can't contain our excitement for Colchester Junior Chess to host our first junior chess tournament. Tickets are now on sale, so reserve a place for your junior! Just click the button below to learn more about the tournament.


Oh, one more thing while you're here....

Colchester Junior Chess Club Merch is available for purchase and perfect for your junior to show their club pride at the tournament (or around town). Just click the button below to shop :)


This term promises to be a hot one. As always, let us know of your junior's chess success, and we will put it in the blog. See you all next time with lots of photos from the Colchester Junior Chess Event and more!

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