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Tournament Achievements, Not-So-Spooky Endgames, & Latest Photos

The past few weeks have just flown by, and we are already halfway through our Autumn term! This week we celebrated the achievements of our club players and had a fantastic half-term over the board session on Tuesday.

We believe in the potential of all our club members and celebrate their achievements and progress. But it is especially exceptional when our own club members participate and excel in such high levels of competition. We would like to congratulate Ruqayyah Rida, who came 8th in her category, Under 10 Girl in the European Hybrid Youth Championship!

We’d also like to send a massive well done to Mae and Rezin Catabay. Mae and Rezin participated in the Bury Chess Congress last weekend. Mae, who started ranked 32, came 6th out of 33 players in the Majors. She ended with a performance rating of 1981 which is almost double her current grade! Rezin played in the Minor and had a draw game against a very high player from the Major. Fantastic efforts and the club is so proud of you both!

In the over the board session this week, the players worked on endgames. There was such excitement in the room with all of this chatter of endgames. After the members played in the interclub tournament, the players were split into 4 groups. The strongest player in the group lead the others in the endgame puzzles. They all really seemed to enjoy this activity and worked very well together. It was also really great to see the experience of a more advanced player sharing some of the knowledge that has helped them get to this point. Afterwards, Coach Catabay combined everyone once again and a very enthusiastic group of club members were ready to show off their knowledge of how to solve the endgame puzzles. There really wasn’t anything too spooky about the chess games this week. However, we did enjoy some Halloween biscuits during the break.

A very warm welcome our newest member of the club, Jake. It's been great to have Jake with us for the past couple of weeks. We're really excited to have him and he's making great progress already!

The club participates in online tournaments throughout the week in Lichess . Many of these tournaments have players of all abilities participate and are a great way for players to improve. There are a few that are played as a team and each member can really make a difference! If you are interested in your club member getting involved, Coach Catabay will be happy to suggest which ones to start with.

Thank you to all of the parents and the club members who continue to support, practice, and make such efforts to improve within the game of chess.

We hope to have some exciting news and events coming up soon so make sure to keep your eye on this space. Until next time, have a spooktacular Halloween and a great couple of weeks :)

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